全球十大赌钱排行app化学课程是由美国化学学会认可的, 哪一个认可严格且基础广泛的化学学士学位课程. 向下滚动阅读全球十大赌钱排行app提供的化学课程的描述, 或者点击以下链接获取更多资源.

全球十大赌钱排行app的学生通过完成普通化学序列和微积分开始他们的课程. 然后他们在大二的时候开始学习有机化学和物理. 三年级和四年级花在分析化学的高级课程上, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, and biochemistry, and also performing independent research.

化学让生活更美好(LAB SCI)

CHM 1000 / 4 credits
一个学期的介绍化学领域的各种主题, such as environmental chemistry. 涵盖的主题包括化学反应和化学计量学, atomic and molecular structure, thermodynamics, kinetics, and acid-base chemistry. 有机分子和生物分子的结构也进行了讨论. Lecture, three periods; laboratory, three periods. 同时选修1000和1010元的学生不能满足自然科学分布的要求.
Prerequisite: None

General Chemistry I (LAB SCI)

CHM 1010 / 4 credits
化学的基本原理和概念, including atomic structure, chemical reactions and stoichiometry, gas laws, thermochemistry, 元素的周期性分类. Lecture, three periods; laboratory, three periods.

General Chemistry II (LAB SCI)

CHM 1020 / 4 credits
A study of chemical and ionic equilibria, kinetics, electrochemistry, thermodynamics, and acid-base chemistry. Lecture, three periods; laboratory, three periods.
前提条件:chm1010,至少C-, departmental approval, 或两年高中化学,平均成绩为B. CHM 1020的成绩达到C或更高,可获得CHM 1010的学分

Organic Chemistry I (LAB SCI)

CHM 2070 / 4 credits
A study of the compounds of carbon, stressing syntheses, reaction mechanisms, 以及分子结构和反应性之间的密切联系. Lecture, three periods; laboratory, three periods.
前提条件:CHM 1020至少C-或部门批准

Organic Chemistry II (LAB SCI)

CHM 2080 / 4 credits
CHM 2070的延续,涉及越来越复杂的分子,包括生化物质. Lecture, three periods; laboratory, three periods.
前提条件:CHM 2070至少C-或部门批准

Inorganic Chemistry

CHM 2120 / 4 credits
分子轨道理论原理的研究, 过渡金属的配位化学及其与磁性和光谱性质的关系, solid-state chemistry, and nanomaterials. Lecture, three periods.
前提条件:CHM 2070至少C-或部门批准

Biochemistry (LAB SCI)

CHM 3010 / 4 credits
生物学对细胞成分如核酸的化学性质的研究, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. Intermediary metabolism will be studied. Lecture, three periods; laboratory, three periods.
前提条件:CHM 2080至少C-或部门批准

Advanced Biochemistry

CHM 3020 / 4 credits
生物化学高级课题的研究, 如分子识别和特异性, protein folding, membrane dynamics, drug discovery, molecular signaling, 和现代光谱学方法,如核磁共振,.
先决条件:CHM 3010,成绩为C-或更高

Advanced Synthesis Laboratory

CHM 3100 / 4 credits
该实验室在进行多个合成项目的同时,采用最先进的技术,研究有机和无机化合物合成的理论. 使用的技术将包括无空气合成, column chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectroscopy, 高效液相色谱法. 有机金属化合物的合成和使用也将进行. Laboratory, 4 periods per day.
前提条件:CHM 2080和CHM 2120,并获得C级或部门批准

Advanced Integrated Laboratory

CHM 3110 / 4 credits
本课程提供了一个综合的实验室经验,模仿化学家在工业和研究生院与仪器使用相关的工作, method development, calibration curve generation, and data analysis. 使用多种仪器技术和方法, including bomb calorimetry, high-resolution IR spectroscopy, spectrophotometry, gas and liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, electrochemistry, and molecular modeling, will be done in this laboratory. Laboratory, two three-hour periods.
前提条件:CHM 2080, C-或经部门批准

Physical Chemistry I

CHM 3130 / 4 credits
A study of equilibrium thermodynamics, phase transitions, the properties of solutions, molecular motion, and reaction kinetics. Lecture, three periods.
前提条件:CHM 2080, MTH 1220和PHY 2200

Physical Chemistry II

CHM 3140 / 4 credits
A study of quantum theory; the electronic structures of atoms and molecules; molecular modeling and simulations; and vibrational, electronic, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Lecture, three periods.
前提条件:CHM 3130;同修条件:物理2210

Analytical Chemistry I (LAB SCI)

CHM 3230 / 4 credits
A study of the principles, methods, and calculations of volumetric, compleximetric, 以及电位法的定量分析. 对分析方法的理解,重点是采样. Lecture, three periods; laboratory, three periods.
前提条件:CHM 2080至少C-或部门批准

Analytical Chemistry II

CHM 3240 / 4 credits
现代仪器分析的原理和方法的研究,强调所涉及的基本概念. Vibrational, nuclear, atomic, 电子光谱以及电化学和色谱技术被处理. Lecture, three periods.
前提条件:CHM 3230至少C-或部门批准

Chemistry Seminar

CHM 4000 / 4 credits
主要科学文献的研究,以及化学概念的书面和口头交流. 强调化学多分支学科的整合与研究.

Advanced Organic Chemistry

CHM 4070 / 4 credits
现代有机化学的高级研究,将结构方面与反应行为联系起来. Concepts, including stereochemistry, kinetics, thermodynamics, and orbital symmetry, 是否严格应用于选定的反应. Lecture, three periods.
前提条件:CHM 2080至少C-或部门批准

Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

CHM 4120 / 4 credits
重点是过渡金属的化学性质. 化学键理论,对称性和光谱学的高级处理. 有机金属和生物无机化合物的化学研究. Lecture, three periods.
先决条件:CHM 2120至少具有C-和CHM 2080至少具有C-或部门批准

Research in Chemistry

CHM 4900 / 2-4 credits
在教师的指导下从事研究课题. 如果修了1或2个学分,学生可以报名参加多个学分.