
8月. 10月30日. 6, 2023

H. F. 约翰逊美术馆 Presents: ?多色的 多色的

H. F. 约翰逊美术馆

Featuring the works of Roland Santana and Claire Whitehurst, “多色的” is an 展览ion of mixed-media objects celebrating a calamitous and piebald application of color. Attend the opening reception for this 展览 from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. 星期四,9月. 7 and the artist talk from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. 星期三,9月. 20,以H开头. F. 约翰逊美术馆.

11月. 2-17, 2023

Image by Colin Matthes, featured in the 展览 ?日子像荒野一样过去了.? “岁月如荒野般流逝”

H. F. 约翰逊美术馆

Titled after a quote from his daughter, “日子像荒野一样过去了” is an 展览ion of drawings by local artist Colin Matthes. This set of unconscientious images comes from his daily drawing routine. Mr. Matthes produces cathartic images, made in the studio and around the home with his wife and two children, 时刻堆积如山, combining narratives from books and TV with imaginative and lived moments. Please also attend the artist talk for this 展览 from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. 周三,11月. 15,在H. F. 约翰逊美术馆.

12月. 1-9, 2023

A gallery assistant builds an 展览ion in the H. F. 艺术画廊. “高级展览”

H. F. 约翰逊美术馆

To celebrate the completion of their senior thesis projects, graduating Carthage 工作室艺术专业 present a group 展览ion of their work in various media. This showcase also serves as a springboard event for our emerging professional artists and is the first step of their exciting new careers as Carthage alumni.

12月. 1月20日,2023-24

绘画 ?地方/跟踪? 展览 的地方/跟踪

H. F. 约翰逊美术馆

“地方/跟踪” is an 展览ion of 20th century landscape paintings curated from Carthage’s Samuel and Berry Shoen Collection of Soviet Art. “地方/跟踪” is a playful and speculative 展览ion that contemplates the landscapes but also the trace evidence of the people and artists who called these places home. Attend the opening reception from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. 周四,1月. 18,在H. F. 约翰逊美术馆.


1月. 18-20, 2024

之间的战斗. 布面油画. 阿列克谢和谢尔盖·特卡乔夫. ‘From Canvas to Cosmos: Soviet Art, Solaris, Space 探索, and the Science of Serene Spaces’ 

The symposium is a three-day event featuring the “地方/跟踪” 展览ion of Soviet landscape paintings and a showcase of 工作室艺术专业’ diverse works. Professor Gregory Baer discusses East German films, and a screening of Tarkovsky’s “Solaris” (1972) is followed by a talk from moving image 策展人 James Kreul. Esther Sternberg will present “The Science of Beautiful Spaces,” connecting mind-body well-being to the environment. The celebration culminates in a roundtable discussion on the new space race featuring Carthage faculty and the University of Michigan Law School’s Donald Moore.

2月. 16- 2024年3月11日

鲍里斯·奥斯特洛夫2023 “我反对”

H. F. 约翰逊美术馆

“我反对” is a two-person 展览ion revealing the malleable properties of oil paint. Freed from the historical constraints of depictive representation, the paintings in this 展览ion reveal the benefits of objectification. Attend the artist talk for this 展览 from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. 星期三,2月. 21 and a reception from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. 星期四,2月. 28,在H. F. 约翰逊美术馆.


屏幕,玩的 展览的海报

H. F. 约翰逊美术馆

It’s not for nothing that to screen is a contranym, meaning both to present and to conceal.

The cinema expanded until it was everywhere: shards in every pocket, shared from every moment. Post-contentment, we imagined a series of AIs trained to watch what the other AIs had made so that we could all go outside and look longingly at light again, shrink ourselves down to near nothings to project conjecture. The spaces collapsed in time and a kind of presence an-noun-ced its re-verb-eration.

An 展览ion that opens with the questions “What is expanded cinema in a just-in-time content world? 什么爆炸了? 还剩下什么有待探索? What is the status of the cinematic, the screenological, in the pocket of big everything? How can an historical avant-garde and a futuristic après-garde meeting tell time? And, of course, what’s so prototaxic about the paracinematic?”

Closing Performances by: Liyan Zhao with Liam O’Brien, Ruby是, 萨拉索厄尔, 克里斯·科林斯, Breanne特拉梅尔, 由杰西·马尔默德主持. 

Jesse Malmed是一位艺术家, 策展人, 以及从事视频工作的教育家, 表演, 文本, 安装, 事件, and occasional objects and their gaps. His works play in sub- and counter-cultural histories, like a joke that’s a poem that’s a song covering itself, a shadow puppet interfering in the broadcast beam, having déjà vu for the first time, or watching a time travel sequence in reverse. Attend the opening reception for this 展览 from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 21 and an evening of 表演s from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, April 18, in the Recital Hall. 


艺术画廊在H. F. 约翰逊美术馆,2021年. “高级展览”

H. F. 约翰逊美术馆

To celebrate the completion of their senior thesis projects, graduating Carthage 工作室艺术专业 present a group 展览ion of their work in various media. This showcase also serves as a springboard event for our emerging professional artists and is the first step of their exciting new careers as Carthage alumni. Attend the opening reception for this 展览 from 1 to 3 p.m. 4月20日,星期六,纽约. F. 约翰逊美术馆 and Visual and Performing 艺术 Lab.


?解密? 艺术画廊在H. F. 约翰逊美术馆,2021年. “高级展览”

H. F. 约翰逊美术馆

To celebrate the completion of their senior thesis projects, graduating Carthage 工作室艺术专业 present a group 展览ion of their work in various media. This showcase also serves as a springboard event for our emerging professional artists and is the first step of their exciting new careers as Carthage alumni. Attend the opening reception from 1 to 3 p.m. 5月4日,星期六,纽约. F. 约翰逊美术馆 and Visual and Performing 艺术 Lab.

The gallery is open from noon to 5 p.m. 星期二至星期五. 延长工作时间是下午5点到8点.m. 周四下午1点到4点.m. 星期六. All art 展览s are free and open to the public, unless otherwise noted.