卡桑德拉Bossong ?21










Always a lover of stars, 卡桑德拉Bossong ’21 enrolled at Carthage because of the College’s 空间科学计划 它与 威斯康辛太空资助协会. Within the program, she was able to participate in the 微重力团队, which conducts research projects with NASA, win the prestigious Lemelson-MIT学生奖 national group competition for her work on Modal Propellant Gauging technology.

现在,女士. Bossong管理着一个数据科学家团队, 数据分析师, data engineers as a project manager for Northwestern Mutual.

“我选择全球十大赌钱排行app是因为这里有太空科学项目. I am so fortunate to have been able to spend a majority of my college career at Carthage and have so many once-in-a-lifetime opportunities in such a short period of time.”



“I have enjoyed the supportive community at Northwestern Mutual and the endless opportunities for personal and professional growth. 有很多不同的培训, 自学知识, 事件/会议, mentorship opportunities that are all for individual benefit and the benefit of others.”


“作为一个 物理专业 帮助我为我的职业生涯做准备. 物理 taught me how to take any system, no matter how big or small, make sense of it. 我学到了很多技能,比如技术沟通, 时间管理, 解决问题, 和分析. 在全球十大赌钱排行app, I learned about different coding softwares that my team at Northwestern Mutual uses daily, 所以我很了解他们的工作, which helps me communicate their value to 我的利益相关者.

”也, my amazing experience with the 空间科学计划 and WSGC truly launched my career as a project manager. Working on the various projects in the program taught me how to work with a team and effectively manage a group of people with different strengths and weaknesses.”


“Carthage taught me how to be well-rounded and adaptive to any environment. I was able to quickly become comfortable using various tools/techniques, 框架, 和标准来有效地完成我的工作. 同时, I was able to build lasting relationships with my team, 我的利益相关者, my business partners — helping me create and foster a healthy work environment. It’s one thing to be able to do the job, but the relationship building is the most important. I also had to navigate this during a time when everything was fully virtual, which was an extra hurdle I had to overcome in order to build these critical relationships and understand the work.”


“Since I was a little girl, I have been in love with the stars. My grandparents lived in Huntsville, Alabama, I visited the U.S. 空间 & 从我5岁起每年都去火箭中心. 我在基诺沙长大, until I was searching for colleges my senior year of high school, I had no idea that NASA’s eyes for Wisconsin was truly in my backyard. 我选择全球十大赌钱排行app是因为这里有太空科学项目. I am so fortunate to have been able to spend a majority of my college career at Carthage and have so many once-in-a-lifetime opportunities in such a short period of time.”

What opportunities were made possible because of your Carthage experience?

“I was able to participate on the 微重力团队 by doing research in zero-gravity through the Zero-G Corporation; win the national Lemelson-MIT学生奖 competition; send one of my experiments to space and back onboard Blue Origin’s New Shepard rocket; work on technologies that will benefit NASA and humanity as a whole; and speak about my research at EAA Airventure, 发现世界, 美国国会, 等.

“I was also able to make lifelong friends and connections that I will carry with me throughout my life. All of these experiences helped me become the person I am today. I believe that we’re a product of everyone and everything we’ve been exposed to — a reflection of all of it.”

What Carthage professors played a part in your success and how?

凯文·克罗斯比教授 我在项目管理方面最大的支持者是谁. 他帮助我发现这是一条职业道路, as well as helped me build skills that would benefit me throughout my entire professional career.

“教授 琼Quashnock, 丹尼尔·施泰纳, 朱莉Dahlstrom also helped me gain confidence in my abilities and challenged me to think about what I truly wanted in life. 我特别记得有一次我和教授. 问她我该怎么过我的生活. She told me that she couldn’t answer that question for me and told me to do what makes my heart happy. 这句话至今萦绕在我心头. I am sincerely grateful for all of those hard conversations I had with my professors as I was navigating life after graduation. 我非常感谢他们以及他们对我生活的影响.”

价值观在全球十大赌钱排行app的使命中扮演什么角色, “寻求真理, 建筑的力量, 鼓舞人心的服务-一起”在你的生活中播放?

“我以真理为中心, 诚实, integrity through how I was raised and the people I have been surrounded by throughout my life. I always try to help everyone I meet as much as possible. After graduation, I reached out and acted as a mentor to my past classmates. 无论是帮助他们写简历, 协助他们进行模拟面试, or talking about different career paths; I have been there because I want to be like the people before me that create a healthy environment and inspire people to pay it forward.”


“One of my favorite memories at Carthage was all of the late nights in the lab working on the space sciences projects, whether it was prepping them for parabolic flight or a rocket launch. It was in those moments that I truly appreciated those around me and how much we all cared about each other and the experiments. 所有愚蠢的内部笑话, the ‘March Madness’ quotes at the end of summer research, 我们去佛罗里达旅行时的疯狂故事, 德州, 或者华盛顿特区.C. -这些是我印象最深的事情. We all thought of ourselves as a family — a ‘物理 Phamily.’”


“If being hard on yourself worked, it would’ve worked by now; so give yourself some grace. Try everything and anything that interests you, even if it’s only a little bit. 留在校园, 特别是如果你是一个通勤者, 为以后的会议或活动准备, 你不会后悔的! 你遇到的人是值得的.”

