Andrea Ng’weshemi

  • Chair, 宗教 Department; Jerald C. Brauer Chair for Lutheran Studies; 教授essor of 宗教

    教授essor Ng’weshemi joined the faculty at Carthage College in August 2015. A theologian by training, his primary scholarly interests cluster around themes related to global Christianity, particularly Lutheranism in Africa and postcolonial theologies originating from the global south (Africa, 拉丁美洲, 和亚洲). He is also concerned with African indigenous traditions and 文化 and their ongoing influence on sub-Saharan African Christianity.

    In his current research, 教授. Ng’weshemi seeks to reinterpret Lutheran themes and topics using categories of life and concepts from African indigenous traditions, 文化, 和世界观, and in light of Africa’s socio-economic and political realities. The goal is to make Lutheran theology relevant in the African context.

    教授. Ng’weshemi has presented papers at numerous academic conferences. His scholarly publications have appeared in Global Lutheranism: Vitality and 挑战; Dialog: Journal of Theology; Africa Theological Journal; Journal of Constructive Theology; The Evangelical Review of Theology, and African Ecclesiastical Review. 他的第一本书, Rediscovering the Human: the Quest for a Christo-theological Anthropology in Africa was published in 2002.

    He is a member of a number of academic associations, including the American Academy of 宗教, Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians, African Association for the Study of 宗教, Association of Teaching Theologians (ELCA), and Conference of International Black Lutherans (CIBL).

    教授. Ng’weshemi earned his Ph.D. (with distinction) from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.

    • Th.M., Ph.D. (with distinction) — Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
    • B.D. — Makumira University College, Tanzania
    • Further Studies: University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
    • REL 1000 Understandings of 宗教
    • REL 2000 History of Christian Thought
    • REL 2010 Christianities in the Global South
    • REL 2220 Jesus 除了 Christianity
    • REL 3300 Theologies of Liberation
    • REL 3370 宗教 in Africa
    • REL 6751: Experience Tanzania: 宗教, Society, and Culture
    • “Unmasking the Stranger: The 搜索 for an African Lutheran Theology,” Africa Theological Journal, 卷. 38 (1), 2021: 101-131.
    • “Lutheran Churches in Africa: Vitality, 挑战, and Opportunities for the New Face of Lutheranism in the 21st Century,”对话框, 卷. 59 (1), 2020: 4-22.
    • Review of Born from Lament: The Theology and Politics of Hope in Africa by Emmanuel Katongole. 威廉·B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2017. 在对话框中,卷. 59 (1) 2020: 40-42.
    • With Tiffany Chaney et al., Luther’s Small Catechism with African Descent Reflections. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2019.
    • “In 搜索 of an African Lutheran Theology: the Inculturation Imperative.” Global Lutheranism: Vitality and 挑战. Peter Vethanayagamony and F. Volker Greifenhagen, eds. Minneapolis: Lutheran University Press, 2018, 46-66.
    • “The Way of the Ancestors Revisited: The Concept of Life in African Traditional 宗教,” Africa Theological Journal 卷. 34 (2), 2014: 1-14. 世界宗教. Custom Edition for Lane College, Pearson Publishing, 2012.
    • “Robert Schreiter: On the 任务 of the Christian Church in an Age of Globalization,Dana Review, 卷. 59, (4), 2004: 6.
    • “Rediscovering the Doctrine of Justification by Faith: Its Meaning, 相关性, and Implications in Africa Today,” Africa Theological Journal, 卷. 26 (1), 2003: 22-43.
    • 安德里亚米. Ng’weshemi, Rediscovering the Human: The Quest for a Christo-Theological Anthropology in Africa. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2002.
    • “我是谁?”? 我们是谁? Religious Conversion and the Identity Crisis: The Case of Africa,” Africa Theological Journal, 卷. 24 (2), 2002: 21-36.
    • “Doing Justice to Context: The Quest for a Christian Answer to the African Condition,” The Evangelical Review of Theology, 卷. 23 (2), 1999: 163-173.
    • Review of African 宗教: The Moral Traditions of Abundant Life by Laurenti Magesa. In Journal of Constructive Theology, 卷. 4 (1), 1998: 113-117.